The fbs_targetGain adjusts the gain of your track to a desired target level as soon you press the "listen" button. Here are some case examples:
- In a mix-template where you already know what levels each instrument should hit e.g. kick -6dB, snare -6dB, guitars -12dB, strings -16dB …
- replacing instruments in a mix, without worrying about changing the levels
- Maintaining an already balanced mix after adding additional FX which changed the gain structure
Detection modes:
- short-term LUFS with a three second averaging window
- momentary LUFS with the 400 ms averaging window (for percussive instruments and drum samples)
The plugin includes a transient detection circuit to automatically switch to the appropriate averaging mode - when "auto-mode" is enabled. This will also automatically stop the listening process when enough audio material is gathered.
Fade time:
The plugin fades to the desired target level gradually (you can change the speed). For working in live situations.
To avoid averaging during silence, there is a user-friendly threshold.
Midi mappable:
All essential functions can be MIDI / key mapped in Ableton. especially helpful when working with a mixed template, and you want to adjust the gain of all tracks.